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Products for Houses & Buildings coating


Protects from oil/water penetration (iso 4920 2/ rating 90-100, iso 14419 rating 5) on fabrics, woods  and stones and so generates an inho- spitable environment depriving microorganisms of moisture and food. Because of absence of water AATCC 100 standards can be achieved in a physical way without using of biocides. By its ultrahydrophobic effect, water is will be concentrated on the surface at an optimum, leaving a maximum of dry places, where a high natural death rate of wet germs (pseudomo

Diamond Glass

Impact resistance, invisible UV protection, up to 12H* anti-scratch, self-cleaning, very strong non-stick coating


Invisible protection, waterproofing, sealing, easy cleaning for painted wall, stone, cement


Invisible protection, waterproofing, sealing, easy cleaning for wooden surfaces

Glass Ceramic

Invisible protection, sealing, easy to clean for glass surfaces


Invisible protection, sealing, easy to clean for toilet bowl surfaces


Invisible protection, sealing, easy to clean for porcelaine surfaces


Invisible protection, sealing, easy cleaning for chrome surfaces


Invisible protection, sealing, easy cleaning for plastic surfaces

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